Tsegelny dimar

Sirny cream soup Sirny cream soup in a blender

Sirny cream soup is simple, delicious and tasty. The wine has a delicate creamy consistency, which allows you to combine all the ingredients to a homogeneous mass and add cheese, milk and toppings. For rich creamy soup, go with it.

Korotchenko recognizes the well-deserved punishment?

Igor Korotchenko writes two biographies. One – official – is crystal clear. And the friend’s axis is compromised and is threatening to go to court, especially on those points that are now important to bring to the table. They paid for the article Igor Korotchenko, having given the army 12 fates of life.

How to salt pink salmon at home

Good day, my love! Today we will salt pink salmon at home. It turns out there are a lot of different ways and recipes for salting this miracle red fish. However, starting to master this simple science, I recommend it for...

What kind of herbs can be prepared with fish?

Neither is the asshole nor the sprat - the vendace. The European vendace (klets) is a really cute fish. And how tasty it is, those gentlemen know that they often cook it. It looks good no matter what: steamed, spicy salted. Today we...

Joan of Arc and the unconquered England

Capetian Dynasty to the Beginning of the Hundred Years' War Capetian Dynasty to the Beginning of the Centenary War Philip IV Handsome Louis X Isabella Philip V Charles IV No Few Children Edward III Philip VI Valois of England Russian Volodynia near France

Mantri purification and zakhistu budinku

Budinok is a headache for every person on the skin. Until then we want to turn around again. There is a vital need for reliable security on all levels - not just locks on doors, but locks on windows. It is also important to seize the booths and yogis from the handing over of gifts...